Open Source Smartwatch – Introduction

Open Source Smartwatch

The smartwatch has existed for a few years but is still less ubiquitous than many would like. Wear OS is the latest version of Android, and it promises to change that. In this post, we’ll look at how you can build an open-source smartwatch using Google’s newest operating system.

Smartwatches are a hot topic. They’re becoming more popular, with new models being released yearly. Some people like them because they can keep track of their health and fitness, while others want to look stylish and know what time it is at all times.

Now that you’ve read the introduction let’s get started!

It’s time. – Open Source Smartwatch:

History of Wear OS

Wear OS is an operating system for wearables. It’s a fork of Android and was created by Google to run on smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other wearable devices. The platform’s first version was released in 2015; it has since been updated multiple times (most recently in 2018).

The project began as a side project of former Android chief Andy Rubin while he was at Google; it eventually became its entity under the Linux Foundation in 2017. The goal behind Wear OS is to provide an open-source alternative to Apple’s iOS or Samsung’s Tizen platforms that can be used across multiple manufacturers’ products without licensing fees or restrictions on how they use it—basically, anything you might want from your phone but without having to buy into one manufacturer’s ecosystem exclusively!

The smartwatch stack

A smartwatch is a wearable device that can perform basic functions, like tracking your steps and monitoring your heart rate. It’s also more than just a clock; some of the latest models include GPS capabilities and apps for running or cycling.

The main components of any smartwatch are hardware (such as its screen), software (required to power all this stuff), and battery life. The most important part of any smartwatch is its display—it’s easy to forget about this when you’re shopping around because most people use Android Wear watches, which tend to have smaller screens than iPhones or other popular smartphones. But if you want a long-lasting battery life, ensure it has an AMOLED display instead!

Building a device for open-source use

You will be able to build a device for open-source use by using the Android platform. This is because of its availability and its compatibility with other open-source code.

You can also use a device already available in the market, such as an existing smartwatch or fitness tracker. Or, you could use one of many available open-source projects on GitHub if they have been developed by people passionate about creating them and want them to become part of their daily lives!

What does an open-source watch look like?

An open-source smartwatch is a watch that’s built around the Android platform. The term can also describe watches built around the Android Wear platform.

An open-source smartwatch differs from an app-based smartwatch, which relies on apps to do most of its work. Instead, it runs independently of any apps. It does everything—allowing users to customize their experience based on what they want to do with their time (for example: run or walk).

The easiest way to build an open-source smartwatch is around the existing Android platform.

The easiest way to build an open-source smartwatch is around the existing Android platform. The open-source nature of Android makes it easy to update and support the latest technologies. This can help you create a device that works across multiple hardware platforms and is also compatible with future software updates.

Android has become one of the most popular mobile operating systems for wearables since it allows developers access to many different types of sensors and its ability to run apps written in Java or Kotlin (an alternative language used on top of Java).


In this article, we covered some of the history of the smartwatch and then showed how to build a device for open-source use. As we saw in our previous article about Android Wear 2.0, there are many great benefits to building around this platform so that you can get started quickly with minimal investment and risk. If you want a fully open-source smartwatch experience, building on Android Wear OS is one way forward!

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