Primitive peoples wear necklaces as one of their chief forms of jewelry. During some periods of history, men, as well as women, have worn necklaces. Some ancient Greek and Roman soldiers wore heavy gold collars. From 1509 to 1547, King Henry VIII of England ruled the country, Wearing beautiful collars of precious gems. 

Where women wear clothing that leaves the neck and shoulders bare, necklaces are trendy. Chains, beads, and chokers are all worn. Chain necklaces sometimes have pendants, lockets, or other such decorations attached to them. When we call about the necklace, stone necklaces play a significant role.   

Stone necklaces are a beautiful and personal gift for a particular person in your life. But with so many different types of stone necklaces to choose from, it can take time to figure out where to start.

birthstone necklaces

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about birthstone necklaces, from the different materials they’re made from to how to personalize them.

We will also discuss the meaning of birthstones and how to care for a birthstone necklace. By the end of this guide, you’ll be an expert on birthstone necklaces and ready to choose the best for that special someone.

A birthstone necklace: What is it?

An item of jewelry known as a birthstone necklace typically consists of a chain with one or more birthstones secured. Birthstones are gemstones connected to a specific month and are frequently worn to symbolize birth. Birthstone necklaces come in various styles and materials and can be simple or ornamentation.

Types of Birthstone Necklaces

Personalized Birthstone Necklace

Spaces can be engraved with names or other personal messages on birthstone necklaces. Birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions can be recognized this way. Make sure to choose a birthstone necklace with a high-quality engraving if you’re looking for one. The text should be appealing and visible.

Necklace with a locket and birthstone

Popular birthstone necklaces include locket necklaces. They frequently have a small, lockable compartment where you can keep valuables like photos or special items. Birthstone locket necklaces frequently have one or more birthstones around the locket’s edge. This might be a lovely method for displaying your birthstones.

Necklace with birthstones and 3D names

3D name necklaces with birthstones are a common type of birthstone necklace. They typically have a three-dimensional name made of metal or plastic.

Necklace with Russian birthstones

Russian ring necklaces are beautiful and distinctive pieces of jewelry.  A Russian ring necklace comprises three interlocking rings representing the past, present, and future. Russian necklaces are frequently made of gold or silver and have rings. Russian ring necklaces can also be given as a present to denote relationships with loved ones.

Material for Birthstone Necklaces

Birthstone necklaces can be made from various materials, such as gold, silver, and platinum. Additionally, birthstone necklaces are available, made of various gemstones, such as sapphires, rubies, or diamonds.

birthstone necklaces

Your budget and choices will decide the type of birthstone necklace you select. Consider choosing a gold or silver necklace with a birthstone pendant if you’re looking for a different, unique, and fashionable birthstone necklace.

Choose a diamond birthstone necklace if you want a birthstone necklace that is more traditional and timeless. Birthstone necklaces make lovely and romantic gifts, regardless of the material or design you select.

Birthstones for Month


Month Birthstone
January Garnet
February Amethyst
March Aquamarine
April Diamond
May Emerald
June Pearl
July Star Ruby
August Peridot
September Sapphire
October Opal
November Citrine
December Turquoise


January – Garnet

Garnet is a common mineral, but garnets of gem quality are rare. There are garnets in many colors. Pyrope, used as a gem, is a beautiful deep, pure red. Almandite is the best-known of the garnets. It is usually a dark brownish- or violet-red. Rhodolite, a combination of pyrope and almandite, looks like a pale almandite.

February – Amethyst

The birthstone for February is amethyst, which has a long history of being connected to grand prestige. Because the Ancient Greeks thought this stone could prevent drunkenness, its name is derived from the Greek word amethystos, which means “not drunk.” Amethyst is regarded as having healing properties and standing for power, heroism, and knowledge.

March – Aquamarine

The Latin word aqua marina, which means “water of the sea,” is where the name of the birthstone for March, aquamarine, comes from. Although it can also be found in greenish-blue tones, this stone is most frequently found in light blue. As well as being cherished for its calming properties, aquamarine is said to stand for positivity, healthy life, and pleasure.Birthstone

April – Diamond

The diamond is called the king of gems. The beauty of this gemstone comes from its fire and brilliance, as most diamonds are colorless. The few diamonds with color, like the blue Hope diamond and the apple-green Dresden diamond, are precious. Many famous diamonds have come from India, once the top place to get diamonds. In the 1720s, diamonds were discovered in Brazil after the supply in India had been mined out. The South African deposits came to light in 1867, and since then, Africa has been the chief source of diamonds.

May – Emerald

The Latin word asparagus, which means “green gem,” is the source of emerald, the birthstone for May. Although lighter tones can also be found, deep green is the most typical color for this stone. The emerald is best known for its healing properties and is said to represent hope, faith, and wisdom.

June – Pearl

The pearl is known as the queen of gems. This gem has a lovely soft glow in its natural state. A perfect pearl only needs to be drilled for stringing to be shown off beautifully—a pearl results from an irritation to an oyster or some other shellfish.

When the oyster has an irritating object within its body, it gradually builds over it a lustrous coating called nacre, or mother-of-pearl. Mother-of-pearl is a shell-lining material that the shellfish typically develops. As the mother-of-pearl continues to cover the irritating object layer by layer, it builds up a pearl over the years. A cultured pearl is created when an irritating object, such as a large round bead, is put into the shell of a live oyster. A coating of mother-of-pearl grows over this.

July – Ruby

The Latin word ruber, which means “red,” is where the birthstone for July gets its name. Although there are lighter shades of this stone, deep red is the most frequently seen color. The ruby is thought to stand for strength, passion, and love. It is also reputed to be capable of warding off demons.Birthstone

August – Peridot (Olivine)

The Roman naturalist Pliny in A.D. 70 mentioned a deposit of olivine on St. John’s Island in the Red Sea. It is likely that even before this, giant green olivine crystals were mined in Burma. The word “olivine” comes from the olive-green color of many of the stones. Jewelers call this stone peridot. The yellow-green variety is called chrysolite.

September – Sapphire

Sapphire is the birthstone for September. Although it can be found in other colors, deep blue is the most typical. The sapphire is best known for its soothing properties and is said to stand for loyalty, good faith, and honesty.

October – Opal

A famous English art critic once wrote, “Opal shows the most glorious colors to be seen in the world, save only those of the clouds.” The opal sometimes holds all these colors in one stone. But there are wide varieties of opal. 

The finest come from Australia. These have a black background with vivid colors. Next in value and beauty are white opals that also come from Australia. Fire opals from Mexico are usually yellows, reds, and browns. A valuable black opal is sometimes found in Nevada. 

Whole logs of opalized wood have been found in North America. But gem opals are found in quantity in only two countries—Australia and Mexico. Beautiful opal in Mexico was being cut and polished by the Aztecs long before North America was discovered by Europeans.

November – Citrine

Citrine is yellowish or yellow-brownish quartz. It is often sold as topaz-quartz or, incorrectly, as topaz. Rose quartz is usually a translucent pink stone. Many rose-quartz stones show asterism, the star effect. 

Smoky quartz is a well-crystallized smoky yellow or dark-brown quartz. Tiger’s-eye is a quartz with a cat’s-eye effect that comes in deep brown. It is dyed to blue or red colors. Birthstone

Certain kinds of quartz are known as chalcedony. All these stones are translucent, occur in solid or mixed colors, and have unusual markings. Some of these are agate, onyx, bloodstone, sardonyx, carnelian, and petrified wood (the fossilized remains of ancient trees).

December – Turquoise

The bright color of turquoise is trendy in American jewelry of Navajo design. The Navajo kept pieces of turquoise with them at all times, believing that it brought them closer to the gods and kept them from harm. The Aztecs wore turquoise jewelry to reveal their rank. The color of turquoise varies considerably, but sky blue is the most prized color. The stone is usually opaque and somewhat waxy. In fine-quality turquoise, the color is permanent, but waxed turquoise often becomes discolored.

Properties of Gemstones

Physical properties affect a gemstone’s appearance or beauty. A mineral may be called a gemstone if it is outstanding in any of these characteristics. Two other physical properties, hardness, and toughness are measures of a gemstone’s strength against damage or cutting. 


Gemstones can be found in any color. Rubies are intensely red, and emeralds are intensely green. Topaz is often a warm golden-yellow. Turquoise is valued for its light-blue color, for it is opaque and thus does not transmit any light. Some stones change color when viewed from different angles. 


 Brilliancy is the amount of light reflected from a gemstone. “brilliancy” refers only to the quantity of light flashing, not color. The brilliance of a stone depends on its refractive index, the clearness of the stone, its polish, and the way it is cut. The refractive index measures a gem’s ability to bend, or refract, the light that passes through it. Although they do not have the highest refractive index, diamonds are brilliant because they are highly transparent. They can also take a very high polish. Necklaces

What is the cost of a birthstone necklace?

Depending on the components used and the degree of design complexity, birthstone necklaces are available at a wide range of price points. Every budget has a birthstone necklace, ranging from cheap birthstone necklaces online. 

Additionally, there are custom birthstone necklaces available for those seeking something truly one-of-a-kind. These necklaces are made with premium materials and by skilled artisans. There is a birthstone necklace for you, no matter your budget.

Where can I buy a birthstone necklace?

A large selection of birthstone necklaces is available at affordable prices on established, well-known large online retailers such as Etsy and eBay. Birthstone necklaces come in various designs, from simple chains with a single stone to more complex creations with multiple stones.

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