
How to find your style?

You know that feeling when you’re standing in front of your closet, but you’re utterly lost in the sea of clothes, with nothing to wear that makes you feel truly “you”? That’s when you realize it’s time to embark on the journey of finding your style. Don’t worry; we’re here to be your style Sherpa, guiding you through the process of self-discovery and wardrobe transformation.

How to find your style

Understanding the Basics of Personal Style

What Is Personal Style?

Personal style isn’t just about the clothes you wear. It’s an extension of your personality, a unique blend of fashion, comfort, and individuality. It’s the way you present yourself to the world. For instance, take Jane, a marketing executive, and Sarah, an art teacher. Jane’s style is classic and elegant, showcasing her professionalism and attention to detail. On the other hand, Sarah’s bohemian wardrobe reflects her creativity and free-spirited nature.

The Role of Individuality

Embracing your individuality is the first step in finding your style. Your style should be as unique as your fingerprint. Consider Alex, an environmental activist. Their style revolves around sustainable and eco-friendly fashion, aligning perfectly with their values. Each piece of clothing they wear tells a story of conscious consumerism.

Personal Style

The Influence of Personal Values

Your values play a pivotal role in shaping your style. For example, if you’re passionate about animal rights, like Lisa, you might choose to wear cruelty-free and vegan fashion items. This commitment to your values makes your style a powerful statement.

The Connection Between Style and Confidence

Your style is your armor, your shield against self-doubt. Take Mark, a software developer who’s always been a bit shy. Over time, he discovered that dressing in stylish, well-fitted clothing made him feel more confident, both in the office and at social gatherings. His style became his secret weapon, helping him stand tall and speak with conviction.

Self-Reflection and Self-Discovery

Identifying Your Personal Values

Grab a notepad and start jotting down your values. Consider Jessica, who values comfort and sustainability. She’s passionate about ethical fashion and her style reflects it. Her closet is a mix of cozy, sustainable, and eco-friendly clothing, making her feel good about what she wears.

Pro Tip: Do a values self-assessment exercise to dig deep and unearth the values that matter most to you. Remember, your style should resonate with these values.

Personal Style

Defining Your Lifestyle

Your daily activities are the threads that weave your style tapestry. Take Jake, a fitness trainer. His active lifestyle requires comfortable and functional activewear, which has become a significant part of his style. Your wardrobe choices should cater to your lifestyle, ensuring your style is both practical and expressive of your activities.

Recognizing Your Body Type and Comfort Zone

Accepting your body type is liberating. Just ask Maria, a plus-size model who has embraced her curves. She knows how to dress to highlight her best features while feeling comfortable and confident. Your comfort zone is your style’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean you can’t push its boundaries now and then. For instance, if you’ve always shied away from bright colors, like Tom, don’t be afraid to experiment. A pop of color can add a refreshing twist to your style.

Exploring Different Style Categories

The Style Spectrum

Fashion is a playground with an array of styles waiting for you to explore. Whether you resonate with the elegance of a classic style like Audrey Hepburn or the carefree spirit of bohemian chic like Vanessa Hudgens, there’s a style that suits your personality. Look at John; he’s a music producer who embodies the urban style, with a wardrobe filled with streetwear and sneakers that complement his creative spirit.

Inspirational Style Icons

It’s time for some inspiration. Take a page out of Michelle Obama’s style book. Her combination of power suits and vibrant dresses reflects her confidence and elegance. By studying iconic figures like her, you can learn how to use fashion to make a statement.

Style Mood Boards

Picture this: you’ve got a Pinterest board filled with images that resonate with your style. Alice, a graphic designer, uses mood boards to collect ideas and inspirations. By creating visual representations of your style preferences, you can see how different elements come together, helping you refine your style vision.

Personal Style

Wardrobe Audit and Organization

Assessing Your Current Wardrobe

Your wardrobe is a treasure trove of past style choices. Take a page from Emily’s book. She recently did a wardrobe audit and found that her closet was full of clothes she hadn’t worn in years. Emily decided to declutter, donating clothes that no longer fit her style.

Pro Tip: Do a values self-assessment exercise to dig deep and unearth the values that matter most to you. Remember, your style should resonate with these values.

Wardrobe Essentials

Every style has its timeless pieces. Think of these as the foundation of your style. An essential for any wardrobe is the classic white button-up shirt, which can be dressed up or down, just like James does. As a financial consultant, he pairs it with a tie and slacks for client meetings and with jeans for a casual yet polished look during the weekends.

Organizing Your Closet

Organizing your closet isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about functionality. Whether you prefer color-coded sections or categorized by clothing type, a well-organized closet will make your daily style choices a breeze. Take Samantha, for example, who organizes her closet by color. This allows her to quickly find the perfect items to match her mood each day.

Shopping Smart: Building Your Style

Setting a Budget

Let’s talk money. Your style doesn’t have to break the bank. Set a budget that works for you. Remember, quality beats quantity. Like Max, an IT professional, who sets a monthly budget for fashion and sticks to it, ensuring he invests in pieces that enhance his style.

Identifying Quality vs. Quantity

Quality matters more than quantity. Lisa, a nurse, prefers investing in well-made, comfortable shoes. A few pairs of high-quality shoes that last are more valuable to her style than a closet full of cheap, uncomfortable ones.

Building a Versatile Wardrobe

Your wardrobe should be a mix-and-match haven. Choose pieces that can be paired in multiple ways. This way, you get more mileage out of each item. For example, Amanda, a student, builds her wardrobe with versatile items, like a little black dress she can dress up or down with different accessories.

Ethical and Sustainable Fashion Choices

Consider the impact of your fashion choices on the world. Ethical and sustainable brands are making waves, and supporting them can be an excellent way to align your style with your values. As a conscious consumer, Mia opts for brands that use eco-friendly materials and fair labor practices, ensuring her style reflects her values.

Experimentation and Confidence Building

Trying New Styles

Now that you’ve got a strong foundation, it’s time to experiment. Try on new styles, mix things up, and see what clicks. Fashion is a playground, and you’re the boss. Just ask Michael, a teacher who decided to explore a vintage style. He now regularly incorporates vintage pieces into his wardrobe for a unique and timeless look.

Mixing and Matching

Don’t be afraid to mix and match different pieces. Sometimes, the most unexpected combinations can lead to a truly unique style. For instance, Sophia, a chef, enjoys mixing her work attire with her love for urban streetwear, creating a style that’s uniquely hers.

Dealing with Fashion Fears

It’s natural to have fashion fears. The key is to face them head-on. Start with small changes, and gradually, you’ll become more confident in your style choices. Like Chris, who was initially hesitant to wear bold patterns but started by adding a patterned tie to his work attire, and then progressed to incorporating patterned shirts into his style.

Seeking Feedback

Sometimes, an outsider’s perspective can be gold. Ask friends or even professionals for feedback on your style. Their insights can help you refine your look. Sarah, a lawyer, regularly seeks feedback from her fashion-savvy friends to ensure she’s staying on-trend while maintaining her professional style.

Maintenance and Adaptation

Regular Style Check-Ins

Your style evolves, just like you do. Regularly check in on your style choices to ensure they still align with your values and lifestyle. Chloe, a stay-at-home mom, reviews her style every season, adapting her wardrobe to fit her evolving lifestyle while staying true to her values.

Seasonal Adjustments

Different seasons call for different outfits. Stay adaptable, and make seasonal adjustments to your wardrobe as needed. William, a pharmacist, updates his wardrobe for winter by adding warm, stylish coats and accessories while ensuring his style remains true to his values.

Adapting to Life Changes

Life changes, and so should your style. When your life takes a turn, don’t be afraid to adjust your style accordingly. Take Maria, who switched careers from a corporate role to entrepreneurship. Her style transformed to be more relaxed yet still professional, aligning with her new path.

Staying True to Your Values

In the ever-evolving world of fashion, remember to stay true to your values. Your style is an extension of yourself, so keep it authentic. Look at Eric, a chef turned farmer. He decided to incorporate sustainable, locally-made workwear into his wardrobe, in harmony with his new life on the farm.

Social and Environmental Impact of Your Style Choices

Sustainable Fashion

Your fashion choices can have a significant impact on the environment. Explore sustainable fashion and make choices that are eco-friendly. Sarah, an environmental scientist, is committed to wearing second-hand clothing and supporting eco-conscious brands, reducing her fashion’s carbon footprint.

Supporting Local and Independent Designers

Local and independent designers often offer unique, one-of-a-kind pieces. By supporting them, you not only stand out but also contribute to local communities. For example, Marcus, an architect, purchases clothing from local boutiques, celebrating his community’s creativity.


Upcycling and Recycling in Fashion

Give new life to old clothing through upcycling and recycling. It’s a creative way to make your wardrobe more sustainable. Emma, a schoolteacher, enjoys upcycling old clothing into trendy and unique pieces, ensuring her style remains environmentally conscious.


In the grand tapestry of life, finding your style is like discovering a thread that’s uniquely yours. It’s a journey that evolves as you do, a journey that celebrates your individuality. So, embrace your values, dive into different styles, and remember: confidence is your best accessory. Your style is your canvas; paint it with authenticity, creativity, and purpose. Now go out there, and let your style shine! Just like the celebrities and everyday people we’ve explored, your style will be a reflection of the unique and wonderful you.


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