It’s all about the LEAF fitness tracker! This is a proud product of Bellabeat’s company. before telling about the story of LEAF, Let me tell you another story on daily basis.

As we all know, menstruation is the most significant indicator of any woman. Menstruation occurs once a month. It’s a pretty tough period for a woman between her daily chores. As she is much busy every time, it is good to track her health. Tracking health and stress is much more essential to be healthier. So here is a quick review of a companion you can choose to track her health.

The LEAF fitness tracker is the one. It’s simply just a fitness tracker. But not like other trackers, LEAF never ignores women’s health.

This tracker is the first to introduce such a tracker to track women’s menstrual health and pregnancies.

About the Origin.

LEAF fitness tracker originated in Bellabeat. Bellabeat is a San Francisco-based wellness division of Five River Groups Inc. that creates feminine wearable technology. The business has locations in London, San Francisco, and Zagreb. Urka Seren and Sandro Mur founded it in 2013.


As mentioned earlier, the menstrual period and pregnancy is the more challenging and stressful period for any woman. In other words, the most essential and traditional self-tracking metrics for women are pregnancy and the menstrual period. We should take care of her and be more gentle to her during these periods than at other times. Due to this, the LEAF fitness tracker also tracks the stress of the woman. Also, this indicates the fertile periods for pregnancy and stays as a good companion for your physical health.

Like other trackers, LEAF also has mobile applications for Android and Apple devices. It is more convenient and user-friendly. The mobile app help tracks the use of health data and determines fertile days, ovulation, and period days based on your average cycle length and the date of your most recent period.

This tracker encourages you to learn and practice deep breathing exercises through guided meditation activities built into the app. Also, it helps you focus on your mental health.


In the very first scene, the LEAF fitness tracker looks like a menstrual cup with straps. Also, some people see the LEAF fitness tracker as a bracelet. Some say it is like a pendant. Silver and rose gold are the available colors. A leaf-like nature adds more uniqueness to the LEAF fitness tracker.

Ways to wear

The LEAF fitness tracker is a brilliant piece of jewelry. You can only wear Most fitness trackers on the wrist. But this piece of intelligent jewelry can also be worn with a necklace as a pendant. Unlike others, it can also be worn as a clip to any part of your dress. Another way to wear it is as a wrap bracelet.

How the fitness tracker works?

This versatile smart gadget can track your sleep, menstrual cycle, body exercise, stress level, etc. And the good thing is you can use LEAF fitness tracker as your morning alarm as it can vibrate to wake you up.

Every step-based movement, including walking and running, and smaller movements you make while sleeping, are precisely measured by LEAF’s highly accurate sensors. The LEAF tells you how long and how well you’ve slept by counting the time you spend in each stage of sleep.

The best thing about the LEAF fitness tracker is you do not need to charge it. You only have to unscrew the battery in the back and insert a coin-shaped battery to work with it (One battery lasts for like one year).

Only for women?

The LEAF fitness tracker is unisex. In other words, both men and women can use it. But due to its exclusive features like period tracker and pregnancy tracker, this intelligent device is mainly used by women.

Good sleep tracker. 

As said earlier, this fitness tracker can track your sleep. If you wear it at night and go to sleep, you can see whether you slept well.

LEAF fitness tracker indicated restless sleep in the light purple shade and deep sleep in the dark purple shade.

Good Stress Predictor.

Turning stress reduction into a game has been surprisingly effective. This feature makes you more competitive and helps eliminate mental instability.

This  acts just like a self-prediction for you and your mental health. This means it helps to maintain good mental during daily chores.

Rather than the things mentioned above, the meditation feature makes you feel so comfortable and fit.

Finally, the LEAF fitness tracker has dramatically changed the fashion jewelry industry.

Grab yours now to experience the difference.


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